Sunday 22 March 2015

Reflection 1 Week 2 Part B

Mobile Phones have become apart of I think nearly everyone's life. I know I use mine nearly hourly to send and receive messages and emails, make phone calls, record information, take and store photos, use facebook, skype friends and family, play games and access apps. I do not leave the house without it and I honestly think I would struggle without using it. I'm sure there are alot of people, like myself who's mobile phone is like an added body part. So this this weeks reading made me wonder - "would we be able to cope without our mobile phones?".

In this blog reflection I will be talking about the mobile phone usage in classrooms referring to "De Bonos Thinking Hats". I have attached a short clip on De Bonos Thinking Hats for those who are not familar. 

The 6 Thinking Hats is a great way for students to think about the 6 different ways of thinking and for them to get creative with their answers. The diagram below gives a guide on what each hat represents.
Personal my favorite is the yellow sunshine hat. The Yellow hat is for positive views and all the benefits a situation can bring.  

While completing this activity I started of with the opinion that No of course mobile phones should not be used in a classroom. That students would use them in all the wrong ways like to communicate with each other and to facebook and use the internet for non school purposes. But after participating in the activities and reading others opinions my view started to shift. Personally I don't think I would implement them in a classroom I was teaching in but I can see how useful they would be to students. For example students using them for class schedule and assignment reminders and emailing.

The learning theories I experienced this week using the online Wiki were Social Constructivism and Connectivism. Social Constructivism was the online Wiki space as it combined everyones ideas into the one space and the Connectivism was the technology used to access the Wiki. 

I thoroughly enjoyed participating in this weeks online activity. I had never used an online Wiki before and found it very interesting to use. I would consider using an online Wiki in a classroom environment as I believe that students would enjoy the experience. I think it would have to be carefully and closely monitored by the teacher however to ensure that the students are using the Wiki for correct purposes.  I love the way that everyone can share their different ideas and they are easily accessible by everyone.

Unitl next week. 
