Friday 27 March 2015

Reflection 2 Week 3

This week we focused on 3 different web 2.0 online spaces - blogs, wikis and websites.

The differences between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 can be found below.

Below is a short clip which gives a basic and quick explanation on how wiki's work.

So wiki's are simply just an online space where users can add, edit, modify and remove information. Wiki's are great, if they are used correctly. It is important that users respect each other and that there are rules attached to your wiki or users to follow. A downfall of using a wiki is that although it can be edited. Students can readily edit, delete and type over other students ideas and work. Also only 1 user can edit a wiki and if 2 students are currently editing or posting to a wiki only 1 students work will be uploaded. 

This week we also revisited the different thinking strategies that help scaffold learning. The two most popular thinking strategies is the PMI (positive, minus, interesting) and the SWOT (strength, weaknesses, opportunities, threats). I will be using the PMI strategy to analyse a Wiki.

I would definitely use Wiki's in my classroom for students to share their ideas. It is a great way to get students to interact with one and another over certain topics. It allows them to freely express their ideas and allow them to comment and express their different opinions on topics. Certain type of students would find it easier to express their ideas online rather then in an actual classroom environment. Teachers would have to carefully monitor these online virtual classrooms but I certainly think if used in the correct way students would benefit from them.

Until next week :)
