Tuesday 21 April 2015

Reflection 5 Week 6

Group 4 Tools

Concept Mapping - bubbl.us

This week I decide to have a play with the Online Concept Mapping tool bubbl.us. bubbl.us allows you to create visually outline information. I jumped in the deep end and decided I'd just give it a go without reading any instructions. So I opened a new web page and typed in bubbl.us A screen came up with a bubble saying ' Start Brainstorming'. It was so simple and easy to follow I clicked start brainstorming and it took me into the concept map. I decided to do a transaction table for a Year 10 Business class as this is one of my teaching areas and I found it relevant.

Below it the concept map that I made without reading any form of instructions or looking too much into the different editing tools.

I then created another concept map for the Positive, Minus and Interesting (PMI) Model. I then played around with the different settings and I enjoyed the whole idea.

I could really see myself using this type of tool in the classroom. It is such a fun and orderly way to brainstorm. Instead of having students brainstorm on paper, scribbling everywhere in handwriting you can hardly read and lines running all over the page making it hard to read. They can now use bubbl.us which even makes it exciting to brainstorm.

Below is a video showing how easy it is to use bubbl.us

I found alot of positives and only a few minor minuses. Overall I could see bubbl,us being used in not only a business classroom but practically any classroom.

SAMR Model for bubbl.us

I enjoyed the last week of this blog and will be a little disappointed to end my blog :)