Tuesday 7 April 2015

Reflection 4 Week 5

Group 3 Tools - PowerPoint, Prezi and Glogster - tools that can be used to present/mashup/collate learning and information. They are normally interactive and mulitmodal (text, audio, images and videos) sources.

I have chosen to look at the PowerPoint in depth this week. I personally would use a PowerPoint the most out of the other Group 3 Tools. I firstly will analyse a Powerpoint and then finish it off with a SAMR Model on a PowerPoint.

A PowerPoint is regarded as a presentation tool that is used by both students and teachers as a visual device used to support an oral presentation. I love using PowerPoint I find it a visually attractive way to present 'boring' but vital information. It is a great platform which supports the embedding of text, linking and interactivity, audio, video and images. So PowerPoint is not just about text on a slide it's also a great way to present images and video clips and so on. This week I have created several different PowerPoint presentations and have inserted screen shots into this weeks reflection for you to view.

Below is a screen shot of the use of text and diagrams (bar chart, line chart, pie graph and a smart art hierarchy) in a PowerPoint Presentation.

PowerPoint is also great for those students that learn both visually and auditory as they can visually see the information on the slides and also hear the teacher talking about it.

PowerPoint can also be used by students to record an audio to play along side a text/image slide show. You can also embed audio and music into your slideshow for effect. PowerPoint has many different tools that can be used. Like timing your slides to change and play automatically on a timing system. Below is a screen shot of how you can achieve this.

You can also make a PowerPoint presentation interactive. I know it sounds extreme but it is doable. You can hyperlink images on your PowerPoint Presentation. For example you could have images of different animals on a slide show and when you click on each one it could play the noise the animal makes and link to a website that has information on that kind of animal. Below is a image of how you can make your PowerPoint interactive.

I personally would use PowerPoint presentations in my classroom. I find them easy, quick and effective to use and they don't take very long to create or present. It is an easy way to not only present the information to students but they can then all save and revisit the slideshow at anytime. They can print the slides to use as a hard copy and can also edit it very easily. I love the fact that you can simply use it as a tool with a verbal presentation with images and texts or you can vamp it up and make it quite a complex and technical tool.

Positive - PowerPoint is easy to use, theres no downloading time as its a program on your computer, layouts are endless, can embed images, vidoes and audio. They can be used at a very basic level or can be vamped up to look very technical. They are easily accessible with the Microsoft Office Packages most computers have. A PowerPoint can be as short or as long as you like.

Minus - It is technology something unexpected can always happen. You will need either a computer or a projector to display your slides to an audience.

Interesting - The can be automatically timed so you can hit start and the whole PowerPoint will play as you have timed it. The slides can be printed out as handouts. You can add notes to each slide that don't actually show up on the slide but rather underneath for the presenter to view.

I enjoyed learning about the Group 3 Tools this week and enjoyed discovering new things about PowerPoint. I look forward to reflecting on the Group 4 tools next week,

