Friday 20 March 2015

Reflection 1 Week 2 Part A

This week is all about digital pedagogy. Pedagogy is just the art of teaching - more simply the strategies that you use to teach what you want to teach your learners. Therefore digital pedagogy is becoming important and vital in our classrooms as we turn to technology to teach our students.

TPACK framework is one of the most important frameworks for teaching, learning and research.

It is necessary that teachers understand that to be a great teacher they need to learn how to teach using the TPACK framework. A teacher may only have excellent content knowledge which means they will have trouble teaching the content to the students. This is why it is vital that teaches have all 3 types of knowledge combined to ensure the optimum teaching with ICT's.

ICT's can be used for a wide range of things in the classroom to educate students. ICT's can be used by students to access, integrate, manage and evaluate information, They use ICT's to participate and learn via collaboration across local, national and international boarders.

Expectations of teachers have changed over the years and in today's world technology and the use of ICT's in the classroom play a major role in how and what we teach in the classroom. It is important as new teachers we understand how to embed them successfully in our lessons to benefit our students learning. 

Another model that is considered in this course is the SAMR model - Substitution, Augmentation, Modification and Redefinition. 

It is important that the technology decisions you are making and using are appropriate for the pedagogy and the content being taught. 

The levels of Bloom's Taxonomy can be found in the image below.

Bloom's Cognitive Domain is the main focus in this course however it is vital that we acknowledge that all parts are equal. Bloom's Taxonomy states that students need to use higher order thinking for them to strive in today's complex world.

Finally this week we touched on the importance of being fully aware of the legal, safe and ethical operations online. The 10% rule, as in 10% of work may be copied for educational use. Referencing all materials that are used are expected unless they belong to you. These following links are very helpful in understanding the legal, safe and ethical operations.

Class notes 2015
SAMR model -
TPACK image -

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